The Dog Days of Summer Marketing: Mobile Marketing
In the heat of August, it’s often easy to get lazy with your marketing. “Eh – we’ll start back up again in the fall!” Instead – why not find ways to try something new this month!
Everywhere you go, people are looking down at their cell phones. Church. The Freeway. The Subway. During a date with their sweetheart.
Why not get your stuff on that phone! There’s a zillion ways to take advantage of mobile marketing. I’m only going to list a few things that you can use – some of them you might already be doing without realizing it.
1. Build an App. This can be an expensive prospect – but depending on what your company does – this could be a very profitable way to connect with customers.
2. Mobile Advertising. The easiest way to get in is with Google Adwords. Many app developers allow you to advertise on their apps through the Google ad network. Can be as much or as little as you want to spend.
3. Your Website. If your website is not responsive to mobile devices yet – it’s time to make it that way. You want people to be able to view and access your site on their phones – if they can’t – then that is lost revenue for you!
4. Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest – Social networking works WELL with mobile.
Keep them updated – because most people are engaging on these networks on their phones, instead of their computers. Keep active – and you’ll see them connect with you.
5. Google Maps/Places – Make sure your business location is on Google Maps/Places. You want to claim your listing and update it to make sure it is optimized, and has links to your website, and all the pertinent information. People using local search will see and can find you, as well as navigate to your location. Make sure your address is correct on the map and if not contact Google to get it corrected!
Tune in next Monday for our next #MarketingMonday installment: The Dog Days of Summer Marketing: Email Marketing
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