5 Tips for More Effective Brainstorming via INC.com #wednesdaywisdom
5 Tips for More Effective Brainstorming via Inc.com
I’m a big fan of bubble charts – but this article gives some good insight on the brainstorming process!
There are countless ways to brainstorm, but humans are creatures of habit. You probably haven’t broken out of your go-to methods since you were forced to in college. That’s OK, because it just means you have an abundance of options at your fingertips. Whether you’re an executive, in the creative field, headed back to school, or in the hospitality industry, creativity is key. Everyone can get stuck sometimes, but how you pull yourself out can make all the difference.
Do you even realize when you’re brainstorming? Think it’s a buzzword best reserved for kids who are strapping on those invisible thinking caps? It’s actually just a means of opening your creative floodgates so you–and your work–and your employees, will benefit.

SCARIEST Marketing We’ve Ever Seen – Earth Justice
As a design / marketing person – and as a person with an undiagnosed slight case of O.C.D. – there are often marketing campaigns that physically cause me pain. By the way- our Rainbow Graphic for this is a perfect example – it uses the fonts I hate the worst – and it illustrates that design CAN be bad, and that it matters. Throughout the month of October, as we get closer to the spookiness of Halloween – we’re look at some of the SCARIEST marketing pieces that I’ve ever seen!
Earth Justice
First of all – I understand that non-profit public service announcements are usually created by an intern with a macintosh – rather than by a professional. However – this PSA plays while I’m watching Hulu almost every night.
Why is it bad? It’s too much generic stock video that’s completely unrelated to it’s theme.
It reminds me of these fictional commercials for Veridian Dynamics that were featured in the show Ted (a great binge watch on Netflix, if you are up for it.)
If you want to get me to care about Earth Justice – tell me a story. Give me a real interview with a real person that tells me what you really do. Then I can believe in it.

How to Get Media Coverage For Your Startup via Inc.com #wednesdaywisdom
How to Get Media Coverage For Your Startup via Inc.com
Remember – PR and Publicity are advertising that you really don’t need to pay for – you just have to find a way to make your company “newsworthy”… this article has some great ideas!
Media coverage has now become more challenging to get, particularly for a new start-up. Within a world in which anybody may push and promote themselves on the Internet through traditional media and social media, journalists are reluctant to give coverage to just anyone.

SCARIEST Marketing We’ve Ever Seen – London Olympics Logo
As a design / marketing person – and as a person with an undiagnosed slight case of O.C.D. – there are often marketing campaigns that physically cause me pain. By the way- our Rainbow Graphic for this is a perfect example – it uses the fonts I hate the worst – and it illustrates that design CAN be bad, and that it matters. Throughout the month of October, as we get closer to the spookiness of Halloween – we’re look at some of the SCARIEST marketing pieces that I’ve ever seen!
2012 London Olympics Logo
Oh my word The Olympics for some reason seem to be the heroes of missing the mark when it comes to graphic design. The London Olympics proved this true with a logo that just doesn’t make any sense.
What are the shapes? Why does it look like the drop shadow is coming from two different light sources? Why is a multimillion dollar global event producing work that a sixth grade could have created?
5 Ways to Amplify your Content via Inc. Magazine #wednesdaywisdom
5 Ways to Amplify your Content via Inc. Magazine
What if your website content could have extra value?
Content is king in today’s online marketing world with new search engine algorithms that promote websites with well-written, quality content over others.

SCARIEST Marketing We’ve Ever Seen – Seiko “Progress” Ad
As a design / marketing person – and as a person with an undiagnosed slight case of O.C.D. – there are often marketing campaigns that physically cause me pain. By the way- our Rainbow Graphic for this is a perfect example – it uses the fonts I hate the worst – and it illustrates that design CAN be bad, and that it matters. Throughout the month of October, as we get closer to the spookiness of Halloween – we’re look at some of the SCARIEST marketing pieces that I’ve ever seen!
Seiko “Progress” Ad
Seiko – Progress to Seiko from Worldtempus.com on Vimeo.
This ad frequently shows up when I’m watching Hulu – and physically hurts.
1. I don’t know who any of these spokespeople are – other than Youtube tells me it’s “Hope Solo” – Who is she? Is she the daughter of Han and Leia? (Nope – because then I’d know her)
Regardless – the people in this ad don’t “sell” it – they act like they’ve never been on camera before – and it just doesn’t feel right…