Free Advertising Secrets – Part 3
In this series, we’re going to look at some ways to get advertising, without spending one red cent. (or any other color for that matter.)
Note – nothing in life is truly free. I would never recommend that someone develop an advertising strategy without some kind of budget – but the point of this is to demonstrate that advertising does not always need to be expensive, and that you can trade TIME, ENERGY, and CREATIVITY for MONEY when it comes to communicating your message!
So – Part three of our series:
3. Publicity
Publicity is pretty simple, actually. It’s getting media attention that you didn’t pay for. The secret is learning to write a press release, and submitting it to all of your local media outlets.
There’s also an element of building a relationship with your local media – and to be honest, I plan on writing a book about the art of publicity in the future – but I’ll give you a few tips now.
A) Do something newsworthy. Chances are good – a LOT of what you do might already be newsworthy. If you have a fairly public type organization, a new staff person might be worth of a press release. If your company makes a charitable donation, or if you get your employees to volunteer to do some kind of community service – these things are worthy of a press release.
Don’t miss up on any opportunity to get news coverage.
B) Write your press release as though it is an article in the paper. If they don’t have to edit it – they’ll like it even more – but keep in mind – they MAY edit it. They may also NOT publish it. But keep submitting to your local news outlets (radio, tv, newspaper, local blogs, etc) anyway!
C) Follow up with a THANK YOU every time one of your press release gets published. It’s about the relationship. If the media LIKES you – they’ll publish future releases. Be a friend. It will come back to you.
Do you need some help coming up with some marketing strategies?
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