Want to know how to get FREE advertising? Do you want to share your message to the masses, but limited on budget?
We’ll be featuring a four part series of videos to help you learn how to get FREE advertising for your business or organization on our website each monday in December!
Check back at our blog every Monday in December for GREAT ways to communicate your message without breaking your budget!
Here’s my back in 2001 after the release of the book I co-authored – Cheap Ways To… published by Relevant Books
Let’s face it. You might not get as lucky as I did. I had a publisher approach ME and ask me to co-write a book. I wish I could say it made me rich. It WAS carried in Wal-Mart Stores and Barnes and Noble! But when it didn’t sell at Wal-mart, they returned it to the publisher, and I got negative royalties for several years.
It’s not the end of the world. But the face of publishing has changed drastically in the past few years.
No longer does an author need a publisher, or even printed books!
These days, someone can write whatever they want, however they want, and they can take it to market on their own! Actually, a lot of publishers don’t even NOTICE a new author unless he’s sold a few ebooks or self-published books, and can prove he or she is willing to sell their own books!
Here are a few tips I’ve put together for authors who want to KILL IT when it comes to ebook sales.
Good Design. I’ve seen so many authors who downloaded a free image program, or paid a foreign freelancer to design a book cover for them that it’s not even funny. I know they SAY never judge a book by it’s cover, but they are going to. So don’t even BEGIN to say that your crappy cover is “good enough.” I don’t mean to offend you, but chances are, unless you are a professional designer, your book cover looks like junk. It doesn’t cost much to get a professionally designed piece of artwork. Spend a few bucks, and then you can MAKE A FEW BUCKS!
Blog. Get a blog setup. I don’t recommend using a free service like WordPress.org or Blogspot.com. If you’re going to do it right, buy YOURNAME.COM and spend a few bucks on web-hosting, install wordpress, and write a few paragraphs a day. Maybe share an excerpt from your book. Maybe do a mock interview with yourself. Take the time to get some GOOD CONTENT associated with your name.
Don’t forget to plug your books often! You may put an ad for the online sales link to your book in the sidebar of your blog, and mention it in every blog post, with a linked keyword. You can do this yourself, or you can invest in your future! You can even purchase a premium wordpress plugin that allows you to sell your own ebooks directly, cutting out the middlemen! No percentages taken out by amazon. Pure profit.Shameless Self-Promotion. There are a lot of avenues for this. Make sure your email signature, your personal twitter and facebook profiles, and everywhere that people can find you has a link to your online store. Put a link to it on your business card, and hand it to everyone you meet. Hang up flyers. Send out press releases. Annoy your friends at parties. You’ve got to hustle if you want the flow.Become an Expert. This works for non-fiction writers and fiction writers alike. Maybe you write vampire romance – than become an expert on that topic. Maybe you write health and nutrition books… whatever you write about – make sure you know as much as you can, and then get a piece of paper and make a list. Make a list of topics that you can write an article about, or give a soundbyte or a quote to a local media outlet. Then learn the art of the press release. Call your local radio station, and ask if they have a daily local talk show. Let them know the topics you are available to discuss, and see if you can book an appearance! Do a quick google search and find some blogs that are about your area of expertise, and send them an email, and ask them if you can write a guest blog on that topic! Guest bloggers, radio guests, etc, often get to mention their book to a wider audience, and it can really give you an edge.
Evolve. Don’t get stale. You may think of yourself as an artist. And you want to make the art that you like, without any cares in the world. Let’s talk frankly. Vincent Van Gough was one of the most brilliant painters on the planet. But no one new it until after he died. Chances are good that you might think your art is that good, and you might think that holding on to the integrity of that art is important. To an extent, it is… but at the same time – if something isn’t putting bacon on the table – maybe it’s time to evolve. Learn what is selling, and do that. You can still do it without compromising your integrity. I’m not asking you to become a zebra if you are a giraffe – but I am telling you that if you don’t have the ability to be flexible, and to write to the market, you’ll starve. Be willing to adapt and change.
I’d LOVE to be able to help you out with some of this. In addition to being a writer, I’m a graphic designer, web designer, and marketing gorilla (that’s the official title I’ve given myself.) You’ll see at the bottom of this page some artwork that I’ve created…. some of it with original photos from my staff photographers. Sounds pricey? I guarantee you that I can work with my team to create a book cover, a website, or a marketing piece that is TOP QUALITY with an affordable price tag. Just send me a message, and we’ll make it happen.
Wanted: Digital Media and Creative Marketing Interns
Interns for Hatcher Media will receive hands on experience working for a creative digital media company, including copywriting, SEO, Social Media Management, Graphic Design, Video Production, and website development, in addition to other creative content related duties.
This is a great opportunity to gain skills, build a portfolio, and bylines needed to help create a online presence and digital reputation.
Applicants should have a superior work-ethic, excellent written and oral communication skills, and a basic knowledge of digital media tools and platforms. Journalism, marketing, business, computer information systems, computer programming, and media studies or related majors are encouraged to apply.
To apply, please send cover letter and resume or link to completed linked-in profile to:
Josh Hatcher – mail@joshhatcher.com
869 West Washington Street
Bradford, PA 16701
But the numbers don’t lie. Their FINGER’S AIN’T DOING THE WALKING ANY MORE!
You may get a little bit of residual traffic from the phone book. But I’ll be honest. I haven’t picked up my phone book in a year. I surveyed a few of my friends, and they all told me the same thing.
So HOW do people find your business?
My MARKETING TIP for today is this:
Don’t beat a dead horse.
Right now, people are using GOOGLE to find your business. Try it out. Go to http://www.google.com and type in “Realtors Jamestown, NY” or “Lawyers Pittsburgh, PA”
It works on the computer, and it works on mobile phones.
They’re also using Yahoo, Bing, and a few other sites, but the VAST majority are using GOOGLE to find you.
Chances are, Google Maps/Places probably ALREADY has a listing for you!
But based on their formula for search relevance, you may be buried amongst all of your competitors!
We’ve learned a few secrets and tips to help raise YOUR Google Places Listing in that list, and help you stand out a little more above your competition.
Do you remember back in the OLD DAYS when people would name their business “AAA Plumbing” to get to the top of the list?
It takes a little work, but our methods are proven to help raise your ranking to a notice-able level.
“Isn’t this something I could do myself?”
And I could get online and learn how to fix my minivan too. But who has time to do it themselves? Especially when you can do it this affordably?
I’m not knocking the DIY Marketers out there. In fact, I hope to GIVE them good information that they can use to get the word out. It doesn’t hurt my feelings if you choose to do this on your own. I HOPE I’ve helped you out.
BUT – Just keep in mind, just like with an automobile, your Search Engine Listings have a lot of complicated factors, and I’ve spent a LOT of time educating myself and researching those factors, and how to make it better. In fact, I’ve been working on this pretty exclusively for a several months. So you could take several months to research it, or you could budget your most valuable asset (your time) and get it done for an affordable cost.
I met with a client recently. He showed me his friend’s domain name.
Only instead of going to his friends business – it went to A COMPETITOR’S business.
Not good. Not good at all! Any potential customers that type in his business name on the internet, are going to be sent DIRECTLY to his competitor’s page!
You’ve workedhard to establish a reputation with your name… that’s your BRAND.
People hear your name, or see your logo, and they identify certain things with it.
You want consistency with that brand… from your business cards – to your newspaper advertisement – to your website.
The last thing you need is a competitor hopping onto a domain name registry and snagging your domain name, and STEALING YOUR CUSTOMERS!
I had approached this particular friend a couple of years ago about setting his website up for him. He wasn’t ready yet. He could have avoided a major head-ache (and saved a lot of money snagging my talents before my rates went up!)
The good news is, there is a legal precedent that MAY help him get his domain name back… though it could cost a lot in legal fees, and if his name is not a registered trademark – there is still a chance the other company may be able to keep it.
The whole thing just sounds like something out of a mobster movie.
Why am I telling you this story?
Because I know how some of you feel about getting your website set up.
Some of you have been waiting and procrastinating and putting it off…
Because you:
Don’t see the need to have a website
Plan on doing it yourself
Don’t think you can afford it
I’ll tell you.
If you don’t see the need to have a website – I hope I don’t offend you when I say this – but you really don’t get it. In fact – if you don’t think your business needs a web presence of SOME kind – then you’re probably just not going to be convinced… I’m guessing you still use a rotary telephone.
If you plan on setting up your website yourself – well – Good for you! I hope you can make it happen. But it’s been my experience that it’s often cheaper to pay someone that KNOWS how to set it up than it is to take the time and energy that it takes to learn how to set it up yourself. Plus – a website doesn’t do you any good if it doesn’t get indexed by search engines – and I know a bit about the tools of the trade… Give me a call, and we’ll chat about it.
If you don’t think you can afford to pay 5-12 thousand dollars for one of those fancy-schmancy websites… you are probably right! I often look at what people pay for websites – and I shake my head.
Hatcher Media can take that web technology, throw in some creative design – and give you the kind of website you could only DROOL over for a FRACTION of the cost. Get in touch with me, and we’ll make it happen!
Everyone has a favorite uncle. In my case, it’s Uncle Pat. (SHH! Don’t tell my other uncles.)
Uncle Pat was about 10 when I was born, so he was a little more like a brother. Add to it that my dad was a father figure to him… so he spent a lot of time at our house when he was growing up.
Uncle Pat could do no wrong. He was a real hero!
When my little brother was born, my teenaged Uncle stayed with me for a couple days. We hiked in the woods, played Atari, and had a GREAT time just hanging out. He made me a grilled cheese sandwich, and cut it into the shape of Pac Man!
Pat never treated me like I was any different than he was. I never felt like a little kid. He made me feel like I was “one of the guys”. He made me feel valuable. And has done so my entire life. I’ll NEVER forget the way he made me feel.
I’m telling you this story, because my MARKETING TIP for today is this:
People will forget what you say. They will forget what you do. In ten years, they may NOT remember what product or service they purchased from you. But they will ALWAYS remember how you made them feel.
The Marketing Principle behind this is actually a little less positive. Negative marketing is more powerful than positive marketing. Human nature tends to gravitate toward the negative. If you make a customer feel GOOD, he’ll tell a friend. If you make a customer feel BAD, he’ll tell ten friends, and they will tell ten friends.
I can’t TELL you how many times I’ve heard stories about local businesses: “Did you hear about XYZ Inc? My brother’s cousin’s wife’s sister says that they ripped him off.”
Word of Mouth – is the most effective form of advertising, and it’s inverse is extremely damaging.
If you REALLY want to do good advertising, make someone feel valuable, special, and appreciated. It comes back around.
Call us for HIGH QUALITY Marketing Services at GREAT RATES!