HOT Marketing: Be Compelling
Hot Marketing: Be Compelling
Want to make your marketing stand out? Want your marketing to be HOT instead of freezing cold? This month, Hatcher Media will tell you just what makes marketing HOT.
Your advertising needs to be compelling. It needs to COMPEL your target to become your customer.
What compels people? Lots of things! Appealing to their emotions, their lusts, their values, their fears, etc.
You can compel someone based on their positive and their negative emotions, by the way.
I’ve noticed a trend in the last few months that I’ve found interesting. Ads appealing to people with positivity – check these out….
Coca Cola
Whatever it is you do… make sure that you communicate your message clearly, and that you connect with people.
Tune in next week for “Hot Marketing: Be Specific”
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So…Is That Good? The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Benchmarking on Social Media via Buffer #wednesdaywisdom
So…Is That Good? The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Benchmarking on Social Media via Buffer
Benchmarking is a way of looking at your stats, side-by-side with a meaningful standard. Here’s how to add benchmarking to your social media analysis and step-by-step on how to set up benchmarks for your social accounts.
So…Is That Good? The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Benchmarking on Social Media via Buffer

HOT Marketing: Be Appealing
Hot Marketing: Be Appealing
Want to make your marketing stand out? Want your marketing to be HOT instead of freezing cold? This month, Hatcher Media will tell you just what makes marketing HOT.
I talk a lot about the importance of good design, and not just because I am a designer. I firmly believe that people are attracted to beauty. They are drawn to attractive people, places and things. And so you need to keep that in mind before you type up that flyer in Microsoft Word (complete with Comic Sans) and just throw an image that you stole from Google on it.
If the purpose of that flyer is attracting more business – it’s not going to cut it. If you can’t design it well – then pay someone to do it. If you can’t afford to pay to design it well – then you need to do some research and learn to design it well yourself.
Quick tip if you are going to do it yourself. Bounce it off someone who is going to tell you exactly what they think. That friend that always says the wrong thing at the wrong time? Your critical mother-in-law? Yeah. Those ones. Ask THEM what they think of the design – and they’ll gladly give you some advice to make it better.
Tune in next week for “Hot Marketing: Be Compelling”
Subscribe so you don’t miss the next post!
These calls to action are not just something nice on your marketing. These are the most important part. Your marketing pieces need to tell people what to do!
I’ve tested a lot of ads. The most effective ads are ones that say “Call Us Today! 814-636-0152” Why? Because if you’ve captured someone’s attention in your ad, you’ve compelled them, and they want to respond – your specific call to action gives them direction and permission to do so!
Note: Never ever ever forget to provide your contact information. (I see this all the time)
And ALWAYS make your call to action CLEAR, CONCISE, SPECIFIC, and BOLD!
Want to know more about how Hatcher Media can help HEAT UP your marketing?
CALL TODAY: 814-636-0152
7 Startup Habits Worth Keeping No Matter How Big Your Business Grows via Entrepreneur Magazine #wednesdaywisdom
7 Startup Habits Worth Keeping No Matter How Big Your Business Grows via Entrepreneur Magazine
There are things you are doing now with your small business that you need to keep doing. Check out this great article on 7 habits to keep doing!
Your startup is not meant to be a startup forever. Eventually, it’s meant to become a larger company with a more sustainable plan of action. And as you move further along that road, you will undergo a lot of changes.
Most of these changes will be for the better. No more working from coffee shops or living rooms, no more late nights fixing bugs, larger teams and more resources, less financial insecurity, more customers and the ability to plan the future better.
But there are also things that helped your business move forward that you shouldn’t try to change.
7 Startup Habits Worth Keeping No Matter How Big Your Business Grows via Entrepreneur Magazine

HOT Marketing: Be Specific
Hot Marketing: Be Specific
Want to make your marketing stand out? Want your marketing to be HOT instead of freezing cold? This month, Hatcher Media will tell you just what makes marketing HOT.
It’s really a common sense things that often gets overlooked. A Call to Action is so important. “Call us today!” “Stop in on Friday!” “Tell them Al sent you!”
These calls to action are not just something nice on your marketing. These are the most important part. Your marketing pieces need to tell people what to do!
I’ve tested a lot of ads. The most effective ads are ones that say “Call Us Today! 814-636-0152” Why? Because if you’ve captured someone’s attention in your ad, you’ve compelled them, and they want to respond – your specific call to action gives them direction and permission to do so!
Note: Never ever ever forget to provide your contact information. (I see this all the time)
And ALWAYS make your call to action CLEAR, CONCISE, SPECIFIC, and BOLD!
Want to know more about how Hatcher Media can help HEAT UP your marketing?
CALL TODAY: 814-636-0152

HOT Marketing: Be Timely
Want to make your marketing stand out? Want your marketing to be HOT instead of freezing cold? This month, Hatcher Media will tell you just what makes marketing HOT.
If you follow marketing at all – you have heard the story of the Superbowl blackout and the Oreo commercial.
(If not – here’s the story – http://www.wired.com/2013/02/oreo-twitter-super-bowl/ )
If you want your marketing to sizzle, it’s important to make it timely! It can be someting as simple as being aware of Holidays or the seasons – and planning sales and events around them – or responding to news stories and headlines with a quick blog or twitter post.
You can plan ahead for timeliness, too. Especially if you think about things like “Back to School” or “Superbowl Sunday” – just try to plan your schedule around what people are thinking about, talking about – and find ways to attach yourself to those topics!
Wouldn’t it be great if people associated President’s Day with your great blowout sale every year?
Wouldn’t it be great if people read a quote from you in the local newspaper commenting on last night’s city council meeting?
Find ways to stay in the front of your audience’s mind.
Tune in next week for “Hot Marketing: Be Appealing”
Subscribe so you don’t miss the next post!