So You Think You Can Blog? Make your Blog Visually Appealing
I am a graphic designer. I make my living designing websites.
I’m letting you know that – because I’m going to tell you something that may seem self-serving…. but it’s true.
Your website will get better results if you pay a professional designer to set it up, to create your branding, to customize your theme – and make your wordpress site run.
CAN you do it yourself? Sure. But I don’t recommend it.
I know that not everyone has the kind of budget that would allow for such a thing – and so I’m cool with you deciding to do it on your own until you can afford to do it later. But I think you should decide that at some point – it’s going to be part of your plan.
What to do in the meantime? Install a nice looking theme for your blog – and do a little customization if it lets you. Be CAREFUL where you get your themes though.
Check out this old article that explains why..
But you do want to make your blog appealing. Here’s a quick bit I did that talks about Good Design – and how to apply it.
Stay tuned next week for Why Design Matters: Ugly People Don’t Sell Cigarettes
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