HOT Marketing: Be Timely
Want to make your marketing stand out? Want your marketing to be HOT instead of freezing cold? This month, Hatcher Media will tell you just what makes marketing HOT.
If you follow marketing at all – you have heard the story of the Superbowl blackout and the Oreo commercial.
(If not – here’s the story – )
If you want your marketing to sizzle, it’s important to make it timely! It can be someting as simple as being aware of Holidays or the seasons – and planning sales and events around them – or responding to news stories and headlines with a quick blog or twitter post.
You can plan ahead for timeliness, too. Especially if you think about things like “Back to School” or “Superbowl Sunday” – just try to plan your schedule around what people are thinking about, talking about – and find ways to attach yourself to those topics!
Wouldn’t it be great if people associated President’s Day with your great blowout sale every year?
Wouldn’t it be great if people read a quote from you in the local newspaper commenting on last night’s city council meeting?
Find ways to stay in the front of your audience’s mind.
Tune in next week for “Hot Marketing: Be Appealing”
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