Holiday Marketing Basics:Traditional Media
Holiday Marketing Basics:Traditional Media
Holidays are often a time when small retail businesses go from “red to black” – and a lot of that has to do with how they do their marketing. How should you market for the holidays? Stick around each week till New Year’s and we’ll tell you!
Traditional Media is often neglected by advertisers because advertising rates are expensive, and the old model is not always effective. How can you turn it up this holiday season?
1. Sign up for a “Christmas Greeting” on the radio or tv. They are a great way to get your name out there, and often at a discounted price.
2. Do an insert in your local newspaper that features your Christmas specials! Full Color Pictures are a must!
3. Direct Mail – Christmas Cards!!!!! (include a coupon, free gift, or special offer as a special gift!)
What are some ways to use these for free?
Email a quote and a soundbyte (just record your quote on your phone or computer) to your local radio and newspaper on Black Friday to tell them how busy you are. Send an invite to the TV station to come interview you in the middle of the holiday rush. Answer questions like: What is your best selling item this christmas? Are people spending more cash than normal this year? What do you think of businesses open on Thanksgiving?
You might get some of this PR coverage – you might not – but you definitely won’t if you don’t send them SOMETHING!