Things we’re thankful for… Good Clients
As we’re entering the holiday season, and as we’re reminded of the beauty and power of simply saying, “Thanks,” I want to take a minute to reflect on what we’re thankful for at Hatcher Media.
First of all – we’re thankful for Good Clients. Clients who communicate their needs to us – who give us a shot to help them market their business. Clients who have dreams and goals, and invite us to be a part of making them happen.
We’re thankful for the opportunity to help those clients think new thoughts, dream new dreams, and take big hairy ideas and make them money in their pockets and food on their tables.
We’re thankful that those good clients say thanks back to us by paying their invoices on time, so we can put food on OUR table too!
We’re also thankful for good clients who help spread the word to their friends and neighbors about the service we give them.
Most of my clients become my friends. And this makes owning and operating a business worth the effort and energy. Thank you, friends, for thinking of Hatcher Media.