SCARIEST Marketing We’ve Ever Seen – Seiko “Progress” Ad
As a design / marketing person – and as a person with an undiagnosed slight case of O.C.D. – there are often marketing campaigns that physically cause me pain. By the way- our Rainbow Graphic for this is a perfect example – it uses the fonts I hate the worst – and it illustrates that design CAN be bad, and that it matters. Throughout the month of October, as we get closer to the spookiness of Halloween – we’re look at some of the SCARIEST marketing pieces that I’ve ever seen!
Seiko “Progress” Ad
Seiko – Progress to Seiko from on Vimeo.
This ad frequently shows up when I’m watching Hulu – and physically hurts.
1. I don’t know who any of these spokespeople are – other than Youtube tells me it’s “Hope Solo” – Who is she? Is she the daughter of Han and Leia? (Nope – because then I’d know her)
Regardless – the people in this ad don’t “sell” it – they act like they’ve never been on camera before – and it just doesn’t feel right…