How to Create a Successful Blog Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guide – via Hubspot #wednesdaywisdom
How to Create a Successful Blog Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guide via hubspot
We talked a lot about this kind of thinking back in January when we hosted Blog Camp 2015 – where we worked with several bloggers to make a blog plan and get a whole year’s worth of blogs written and scheduled. This article adds a lot of other great info.
We’ve witnessed a blogging revolution over the past fifteen years, where individuals have become famous on the back of 500-word snippets or rants that resonate with some online audience. Many of the thought leaders of our time became well-known because of their blogs. But as more people blog, the quality of blog content is becoming more important — and this is especially true for businesses who are blogging to get found on the internet.
It isn’t enough to simply have a blog — businesses need to spend time creating a blogging strategy that allows for high quality content creation so you can, slowly, build a reputation for thought leadership that will pay off big time in the long term.