Advertising University: Broadcasting 101
Advertising University: Broadcasting 101
I hear horror stories all the time from business owners who say, “I’ve spent thousands of dollars on XX (type of advertising) and I’ve never had a single call from it!” I think the key is in learning how to make the most of that advertising, so you can reap the benefits.
Radio and TV ads can be very effective, or they can fall on deaf ears. Let’s talk about some ways to make them more effective.
1. Small town appeal – TV Ads – if you are in a small market – you want your ad to show local people. There’s nothing like flipping channels and someone saying,” HEY! That’s Joe from down the street! He’s on TV!” This makes them watch your spot.
2. Pay extra to get prime time. News sponsorships, football games, and prime time television are when people are watching. Don’t waste your money on anything else.
3. People are not going to remember your number, so don’t waste valuable time on it… unless you have one of those cool numbers like Celino and Barnes (888-8888) instead – purchase an easy to remember domain name – and make sure your website is ready for the traffic! Say your domain name several times, and have it at the bottom of the screen the whole commercial!
1. Make it catchy. A well written jingle, or a hilarious ad will get noticed or remembered.
2. Don’t record it yourself unless you HAVE a voice and personality for radio.
3. Pay extra for a news sponsorship – or an interstitial where the DJ talks about you during his breaks. It’s worth it.
4. People aren’t going to remember your phone number – just like TV. Don’t waste your airtime on it. Get a catchy domain name – ie AKRON GET HELP NOW.COM or something like easy to remember – and point it to your website or a landing page. repeat that domain name several times.
Tune in next week. We’ll be discussing Advertising University: Social Media Advertising (Facebook) 101
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