Holiday Marketing Basics: Following Up
Holiday Marketing Basics: Following Up
Holidays are often a time when small retail businesses go from “red to black” – and a lot of that has to do with how they do their marketing. How should you market for the holidays? Stick around each week till New Year’s and we’ll tell you!
If someone gives you their email address – send them a personal note asking them how their experience was!
Follow up after gathering your email addresses, and you’ll reap the benefits.
Have you had a conversation with someone that was interested in your service or product that you haven’t heard from in a while? Follow up! Even during the holidays – even if they say no – it’s a chance to wish someone a happy holiday and to build a relationship. They’ll call you when they need you – but it helps if they remember you, and feel like you care about them. (PS – it helps if you ACTUALLY care…)

Things we’re thankful for… Blogs
As we’re entering the holiday season, and as we’re reminded of the beauty and power of simply saying, “Thanks,” I want to take a minute to reflect on what we’re thankful for at Hatcher Media.
I’m thankful for Blogs. Here’s a list of blogs and websites that I follow – these help encourage me on my journey and equip me in my business.
A Taste For The Woods: http://www.atasteforthewoods.com
Justin Willoughby.com http://www.justinwilloughby.com
The Art of Manliness: http://www.theartofmanliness.com
Jon Acuff: http://www.acuff.me
Seth Godin: http://sethgodin.typepad.com/
Fast Company: http://www.fastcompany.com
Entrepreneur Magazine: http://www.entrepreneur.com

3 Ways to Get Tons of Users Fast via Inc.com #wednesdaywisdom
3 Ways to Get Tons of Users Fast via INC.com
Some great advice for getting your product in front of people!
Ask experienced founders and they’ll all tell you the same thing–building a phenomenal product is only half the battle. You can’t make it without having something great to offer customers, but you also can’t make it without customers. Marketing is just as important as your product or service.

Holiday Marketing Basics: Leveraging Your Special Offers
Holiday Marketing Basics: Leveraging Your Special Offers
Holidays are often a time when small retail businesses go from “red to black” – and a lot of that has to do with how they do their marketing. How should you market for the holidays? Stick around each week till New Year’s and we’ll tell you!
If you are going to offer a coupon or a special offer – make sure you do something to leverage it!
What do you mean, Josh, you crazy elf?
I mean – get an email address. Train your checkout staff to ask everyone for their email. Make coupons only valid with email address. Offer a discount if they sign up for your newsletter or join your facebook page.
Why? because this is PERMISSION MARKETING. It gives you a chance to sell something to them next month, when the holidays are over!

Things we’re thankful for… Facebook Groups
As we’re entering the holiday season, and as we’re reminded of the beauty and power of simply saying, “Thanks,” I want to take a minute to reflect on what we’re thankful for at Hatcher Media.
I went to college with a guy named Jon Acuff. We weren’t really buddies… but we had a couple classes together and I would hear his name during roll call.
When he launched his “Stuff Christians Like” blog, I fell in love with his sarcasm and goofy sense of humor. Then when he started writing books like Quitter and Start – I really started developing my man-crush.
One of those books started an online platform building experiment that he used to build community, centered around the idea of living your dream – and over time a second group grew out of that as well. “Dreamers and Builders” and “30 Days of Hustle” are two places online where I’ve made some amazing friends, received and given fantastic advice, and been a part of a supportive and fun community that helps equip and encourage people on their quest to turn their dreams into their lives.
It’s what inspired me to start BlogCamp – and while my group is smaller – it’s still an amazing place!
If Facebook Organic Reach Is Dead, What Does It Mean For Marketers? via Marketing Land #wednesdaywisdom
If Facebook Organic Reach Is Dead, What Does It Mean For Marketers? via Marketing Land
Facebook’s changes have definitely impacted the way social media works for advertisers and marketers. What does it mean for you?
Facebook will be making it harder for posts that push products or app installs, offer entry to promotions or sweepstakes or re-use the same content from advertisements to make it into the News Feed. Essentially, Facebook is saying: 1. If it feels like an ad don’t bother posting it in the social stream and 2. if you want to reach customers with a promotional message buy a ad.
That message from Facebook shouldn’t come as a surprise; the company has been signaling for years that its users prefer higher quality content and that it will always optimize for better user experiences.
If Facebook Organic Reach Is Dead, What Does It Mean For Marketers? via Marketing Land

Holiday Marketing Basics:Traditional Media
Holiday Marketing Basics:Traditional Media
Holidays are often a time when small retail businesses go from “red to black” – and a lot of that has to do with how they do their marketing. How should you market for the holidays? Stick around each week till New Year’s and we’ll tell you!
Traditional Media is often neglected by advertisers because advertising rates are expensive, and the old model is not always effective. How can you turn it up this holiday season?
1. Sign up for a “Christmas Greeting” on the radio or tv. They are a great way to get your name out there, and often at a discounted price.
2. Do an insert in your local newspaper that features your Christmas specials! Full Color Pictures are a must!
3. Direct Mail – Christmas Cards!!!!! (include a coupon, free gift, or special offer as a special gift!)
What are some ways to use these for free?
Email a quote and a soundbyte (just record your quote on your phone or computer) to your local radio and newspaper on Black Friday to tell them how busy you are. Send an invite to the TV station to come interview you in the middle of the holiday rush. Answer questions like: What is your best selling item this christmas? Are people spending more cash than normal this year? What do you think of businesses open on Thanksgiving?
You might get some of this PR coverage – you might not – but you definitely won’t if you don’t send them SOMETHING!