Guy Kawasaki tells us how to avoid social media “sins” …. #wisdomwednesday
Don’t offer more promotion than you offer value. That’s the first commandment. 🙂
Don’t offer more promotion than you offer value. That’s the first commandment. 🙂
Need a New Website or Logo? Design Trends for 2015.
There’s no denying that appearance matters. Everything about a company’s logo or website is chosen for a specific impact; promotional materials are discussed and planned for months.
While some design strategies are timeless, trends change. The visual layouts and pictures that worked five years ago won’t necessarily resonate with customers today.
What’s HOT in design this year? Check out this article!
10 People Who Will Destroy Your Business via Entrepreneur Magazine
If you want to build a great business, you have to be very deliberate about whom you let into it.
Emotions and behaviors may circulate through social networks in patterns similar to what’s seen in epidemiological models of the flu virus. Every positive person you let into your life increases your chances of being positive 11 percent.
Haters Gonna Hate, right? Take a look at the ten people who will destroy your business. Excellent article!
10 People Who Will Destroy Your Business via Entrepreneur Magazine
25 Reasons Your Business Should Switch to WordPress via Entrepreneur Magazine
Whether you’re a blogger or just launching a new online business, the fact that WordPress is 100 percent free is extremely beneficial. Best of all, you never have to worry about hidden charges if your site becomes more popular than expected. WordPress will always be free for you to use.
On top of that, WordPress is also open source. This means that you can improve or alter the source code to create the right site for your needs.
I work exclusively with wordpress for website design. This article explains my reasons why.
A Navy SEAL’s 5 Entrepreneurial Leadership Lessons From 2014 via Entrepreneur Magazine
First of all – Navy Seals are awesome. And I love this Navy Seal’s take on leadership. Check it out.
Nowhere else is the old saying “time is money” more applicable than in entrepreneurship. Every waking moment (and sleeping moment, for that matter) for a startup founder is spent thinking about survival: how to solicit more clients, how to expand the client list, how to convert passersby into paying customers. There’s only so much time in the day, and it’s never enough.
A Navy SEAL’s 5 Entrepreneurial Leadership Lessons From 2014 via Entrepreneur Magazine
The 3 Ways Entrepreneurs Fail at Personal Branding via Entrepreneur Magazine
Fantastic article about personal branding. Give it a read!
It’s easy to think we understand our personal brand. It’s basically how we think of ourselves, right? Of course, the moment we take a deeper look, it’s easy to see the fallacy. Your personal brand isn’t what you say it is; it’s what other people say about you when you leave the room.
How to Create a Successful Blog Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guide via hubspot
We talked a lot about this kind of thinking back in January when we hosted Blog Camp 2015 – where we worked with several bloggers to make a blog plan and get a whole year’s worth of blogs written and scheduled. This article adds a lot of other great info.
We’ve witnessed a blogging revolution over the past fifteen years, where individuals have become famous on the back of 500-word snippets or rants that resonate with some online audience. Many of the thought leaders of our time became well-known because of their blogs. But as more people blog, the quality of blog content is becoming more important — and this is especially true for businesses who are blogging to get found on the internet.
It isn’t enough to simply have a blog — businesses need to spend time creating a blogging strategy that allows for high quality content creation so you can, slowly, build a reputation for thought leadership that will pay off big time in the long term.
5 Signs that You Need a New Logo via Entrepreneur Magazine
“A logo is your business’s public face,” says Patrick Llewellyn, president and CEO of 99designs, a graphic design firm where businesses hold online contests to find new logos. “If it doesn’t represent your business at its core, it’s time for a change.”
Now – I’m not a fan at ALL of 99designs – but there’s some great thought here about logos. Check it out!
5 Ways Dreamers Can Become Doers via Entrepreneur Magazine
Check out this great article about transitioning from a Dreamer to a Doer – I know how EASY it is sometimes to get caught up in the dream – and not in the doing. I’ve got a LOT of ideas for side businesses to start – but the truth is – if I focus – I can prioritize and build those ideas over time.
Remember that being a doer isn’t necessarily better than being a dreamer. You need both to succeed.
If you’re really off kilter and have a lot more dreamer tendencies, it’s time to take action. Here are some of the easiest, quickest ways to embrace your inner doer so your dreamer can take a little break. Remember, without a comprehensive, balanced approach you’ll just keep going in circles:
The 7 WordPress Plugins Your Site Needs to Succeed via Entrepreneur Magazine
More content is created than audiences can handle. The challenge for entrepreneurs, then, is to find an underserved segment of consumers that would love nothing more than what you have to offer, whether it is blog posts, products or services.
Fantastic article from Entrepreneur about WordPress plugins! Remember – you’ve got to be careful with third party plugins, as they can create conflicts and vulnerabilities – but they can also be great tools to help your website evolve into something amazing!