Making a Marketing Plan for 2014 – Part 4 – Paid Advertising Plan
It’s January. That means your marketing budget is (hopefully) refreshed, and you are ready to start 2014 with a new ferocity!
I’d like to encourage you to take the first few weeks of January to make a plan for the year!
4, Paid Advertising Plan
Let’s talk about your options for paid advertising. You should have a budget for the year – which may or may not include the following.
A. Radio
B. Newspaper
C. Television
D. Google Ads
E. Direct Mail
F. Facebook / Social Media Ads
G. Website/Blog Ads
H. Magazine / Other Print
I. Billboard / Outdoor Advertising
There are obviously more paid places to spend money – but this list can give you a good starting place.
What is your budget?
What forms of advertising will help you get in front of YOUR target?
As you get your plan on PAPER and on PURPOSE for 2014 – give each form of advertising consideration – and plan WHEN you are going to run the ads. It helps if you coincide your campaigns with your social media and your blog – as well as any 3D (real life) events you plan to have.
You may even be able to negotiate better ad rates if you are planning your year in advance. It’s worth taking the time to plan!
ALSO – I’ll be doing a six part blog series starting NEXT WEEK that will cover HOW TO MAKE YOUR ADVERTISING MORE EFFECTIVE!